Medium sprak met Arco Gnochhi. Alumni van Communicatiewetenschap, voetbaltwitteraar 2018 en momenteel programmamaker bij BNNVARA.
Dit keer geen student uit Amsterdam, maar een student uit Maastricht! Medium sprak met geneeskundestudent Tessa over haar studentenleven in Maastricht en hoe communicatie een rol speelt in haar studie.
In deze editie van backstage sprak Medium met Raf die stage loopt bij Dotcomsport.
Can history be studied merely objectively or also subjectively? Communication science and heritages studies students discuss the importance of an interdisciplinary approach.
Let us introduce Terézia. Originally from Slovakia, Terézia has moved to Amsterdam to study psychology, bringing a piece of home with her in the form of folk dancing.
Medium Editor-in-Chief Thomas Korver started his internship at BNR Nieuwsradio this year, a very special feat. Thomas is working right along the most powerful people of the Netherlands, but that’s quite normal.
Students of Amsterdam goes worldwide! This means that Medium didn’t interview a student from the University of Amsterdam, but a communication science student from the University of Manchester; meet Inaya!
Deze maand is tweedejaars Communicatiewetenschap student Gary de ‘Student of Amsterdam’. Tegen Medium vertelt hij over zijn reis naar Vietnam, zijn leven in Amsterdam en zijn prioriteiten.
The Alumni of the Month February: Gijs Boerwinkel. Having a master’s degree in Political Communication, he is currently the head of communication at Waag.
In this Backstage, Medium talks to Mercurius board member AJ about his experiences with finding an internship.
In this edition of Students of Amsterdam, exchange student Leo is giving an insight on his ideas of studying at UvA and about Amsterdam.
In this brand new Students of Amsterdam we speak with Charlie, a rugby player from Luxembourg, who is currently studying and living in Amsterdam.
Daar waar Medium vorige maand van start ging met de nieuwe rubriek, is het deze maand tijd voor de tweede Alumni of the Month. Deze maand ging Jorrit langs bij Xanne Visser.
In this fresh edition of Students of Amsterdam, Medium had a chat with Julia. As an international student in Amsterdam, it can get a bit weird sometimes.
Medium interviews Communication Science student, Jorrit Hoekstra on his experiences at De Telegraaf, the largest Dutch daily morning newspaper.
Medium sprak met Arco Gnochhi. Alumni van Communicatiewetenschap, voetbaltwitteraar 2018 en momenteel programmamaker bij BNNVARA.
Dit keer geen student uit Amsterdam, maar een student uit Maastricht! Medium sprak met geneeskundestudent Tessa over haar studentenleven in Maastricht en hoe communicatie een rol speelt in haar studie.
In deze editie van backstage sprak Medium met Raf die stage loopt bij Dotcomsport.
Can history be studied merely objectively or also subjectively? Communication science and heritages studies students discuss the importance of an interdisciplinary approach.
Let us introduce Terézia. Originally from Slovakia, Terézia has moved to Amsterdam to study psychology, bringing a piece of home with her in the form of folk dancing.
Medium Editor-in-Chief Thomas Korver started his internship at BNR Nieuwsradio this year, a very special feat. Thomas is working right along the most powerful people of the Netherlands, but that’s quite normal.
Students of Amsterdam goes worldwide! This means that Medium didn’t interview a student from the University of Amsterdam, but a communication science student from the University of Manchester; meet Inaya!
Deze maand is tweedejaars Communicatiewetenschap student Gary de ‘Student of Amsterdam’. Tegen Medium vertelt hij over zijn reis naar Vietnam, zijn leven in Amsterdam en zijn prioriteiten.
The Alumni of the Month February: Gijs Boerwinkel. Having a master’s degree in Political Communication, he is currently the head of communication at Waag.
In this Backstage, Medium talks to Mercurius board member AJ about his experiences with finding an internship.
In this edition of Students of Amsterdam, exchange student Leo is giving an insight on his ideas of studying at UvA and about Amsterdam.
In this brand new Students of Amsterdam we speak with Charlie, a rugby player from Luxembourg, who is currently studying and living in Amsterdam.
Daar waar Medium vorige maand van start ging met de nieuwe rubriek, is het deze maand tijd voor de tweede Alumni of the Month. Deze maand ging Jorrit langs bij Xanne Visser.
In this fresh edition of Students of Amsterdam, Medium had a chat with Julia. As an international student in Amsterdam, it can get a bit weird sometimes.
Medium interviews Communication Science student, Jorrit Hoekstra on his experiences at De Telegraaf, the largest Dutch daily morning newspaper.
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