Embarking on the university journey is no easy feat for anyone, but luckily, Margarete has got you covered. In this informational yet personal article, she provides detailed tips and tricks to give you a boost in your first exciting year in Communication Science at the University of Amsterdam.
If you haven’t already listened to Troye Sivan’s latest EP, now’s a good time to plug in your headphones as Danny reviews each song ranked according to his preference.
Embarking on the university journey is no easy feat for anyone, but luckily, Margarete has got you covered. In this informational yet personal article, she provides detailed tips and tricks to give you a boost in your first exciting year in Communication Science at the University of Amsterdam.
If you haven’t already listened to Troye Sivan’s latest EP, now’s a good time to plug in your headphones as Danny reviews each song ranked according to his preference.
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