Aidan shares thoughts on the Magnus Archives and why we should face our fears in a compelling statement.
Margarete interviews the hosts of the new podcast The Audacity. Listening to Mark and Shar is like eating candy – once you start you can’t get enough of it!
Dit keer een review over de podcast Datevermaak. In deze podcast bespreken drie vrienden alle ins en outs van daten en delen ze hun ervaringen.
Man Man Man de Podcast is mateloos populair. Maar welke redenen zorgen eigenlijk voor dit overweldigende succes? Medium vond meerdere verklaringen.
Medium’s brand new podcast on climate change and how to survive it, go listen!
Podcasts; the substitution to TV and radio among millennials. However, the statistics on podcasts listeners are respectively low in the Netherlands. Why are podcasts popular in other countries? And how come that we stay behind?
Are you following Brexit? We tried to, have a listen!
Radio is making a comeback in a major way via podcasts and emergent platforms such as Spotify and SoundCloud. Hahae reminds us of how radio disrupted the communication industries and changed lives.
De radio als medium is op zijn retour, er wordt steeds minder naar geluisterd en we verkiezen steeds vaker Spotify of SoundCloud voor muziek. Jorrit gaat op onderzoek uit en duikt in de cijfers.
It can be hard to keep up with all the excellent content on the internet, so Medium is here to help you out with what you really should watch!
A sneak peek behind the scenes of a Medium Podcast recording.
Kajsa, Thomas and Malique discuss the epitome of love, romance and most of all the consumer economy: Valentine’s day!
Aidan shares thoughts on the Magnus Archives and why we should face our fears in a compelling statement.
Margarete interviews the hosts of the new podcast The Audacity. Listening to Mark and Shar is like eating candy – once you start you can’t get enough of it!
Dit keer een review over de podcast Datevermaak. In deze podcast bespreken drie vrienden alle ins en outs van daten en delen ze hun ervaringen.
Man Man Man de Podcast is mateloos populair. Maar welke redenen zorgen eigenlijk voor dit overweldigende succes? Medium vond meerdere verklaringen.
Medium’s brand new podcast on climate change and how to survive it, go listen!
Podcasts; the substitution to TV and radio among millennials. However, the statistics on podcasts listeners are respectively low in the Netherlands. Why are podcasts popular in other countries? And how come that we stay behind?
Are you following Brexit? We tried to, have a listen!
Radio is making a comeback in a major way via podcasts and emergent platforms such as Spotify and SoundCloud. Hahae reminds us of how radio disrupted the communication industries and changed lives.
De radio als medium is op zijn retour, er wordt steeds minder naar geluisterd en we verkiezen steeds vaker Spotify of SoundCloud voor muziek. Jorrit gaat op onderzoek uit en duikt in de cijfers.
It can be hard to keep up with all the excellent content on the internet, so Medium is here to help you out with what you really should watch!
A sneak peek behind the scenes of a Medium Podcast recording.
Kajsa, Thomas and Malique discuss the epitome of love, romance and most of all the consumer economy: Valentine’s day!
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