Given that our world is now hooked on social media, it’s no surprise that even the mafia embraces these online platforms to spread their message and enforce their power. Emre talks about the latest news in Turkey where a former mafia boss stared to share confession videos on YouTube.
Anushka opines on social media influencer as a career and its future prospects.
Some think celebrities should speak up on social issues, others firmly disagree and think it’s foolish for fans to expect them to be activists. Let’s hear what both sides have to say from Emma.  
Ninke discusses slacktivism, a portmanteau of slacker and activism – the new form of sharing one’s societal belief using social media.
Het is makkelijk kritiek te leveren via sociale media. In dit artikel heeft Kim het over hoe we hier vrij zijn om te zijn wie we willen, maar tegelijkertijd moeten dealen met negatieve reacties online.
We are exposed to multiple frames from many different personalities on social media, and these frames are dangerous in many ways. Emre discusses the negative aspects of social media in this article.
Matthijs werpt een kritisch oog op censuur in de sociale media. Is onze vrijheid van meningsuiting in gevaar?
Nepnieuws heeft zich ontwikkeld tot probleem en regelmatig wordt misinformatie verspreid, zo ook over klimaatverandering. Wat is de ernst van deze misinformatie? Matthijs zoekt het uit.
Recently released, the new social platform Be Real has rapidly grabbed everyone’s attention. Its immediate success and global audience make some wonder if the app will unsettle existing networks such as Instagram and Snapchat. But will it? In this article, Ezgi attempts an answer.
In this article, Ninke talks about the genre of Instagram poetry and how it contributed to poetry overall.
Various measures to combat misinformation have been implemented to no success. Not to mention the backfire effects, among which Andrea will now guide us.
Anushka explains the new development of Clubhouse, its growth, and its future.
In this article, Ninke describes TikTok’s impact on future generations’ relationship with politics.
Given that our world is now hooked on social media, it’s no surprise that even the mafia embraces these online platforms to spread their message and enforce their power. Emre talks about the latest news in Turkey where a former mafia boss stared to share confession videos on YouTube.
Anushka opines on social media influencer as a career and its future prospects.
Some think celebrities should speak up on social issues, others firmly disagree and think it’s foolish for fans to expect them to be activists. Let’s hear what both sides have to say from Emma.  
Ninke discusses slacktivism, a portmanteau of slacker and activism – the new form of sharing one’s societal belief using social media.
Het is makkelijk kritiek te leveren via sociale media. In dit artikel heeft Kim het over hoe we hier vrij zijn om te zijn wie we willen, maar tegelijkertijd moeten dealen met negatieve reacties online.
We are exposed to multiple frames from many different personalities on social media, and these frames are dangerous in many ways. Emre discusses the negative aspects of social media in this article.
Matthijs werpt een kritisch oog op censuur in de sociale media. Is onze vrijheid van meningsuiting in gevaar?
Nepnieuws heeft zich ontwikkeld tot probleem en regelmatig wordt misinformatie verspreid, zo ook over klimaatverandering. Wat is de ernst van deze misinformatie? Matthijs zoekt het uit.
Recently released, the new social platform Be Real has rapidly grabbed everyone’s attention. Its immediate success and global audience make some wonder if the app will unsettle existing networks such as Instagram and Snapchat. But will it? In this article, Ezgi attempts an answer.
In this article, Ninke talks about the genre of Instagram poetry and how it contributed to poetry overall.
Various measures to combat misinformation have been implemented to no success. Not to mention the backfire effects, among which Andrea will now guide us.
Anushka explains the new development of Clubhouse, its growth, and its future.
In this article, Ninke describes TikTok’s impact on future generations’ relationship with politics.
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